By Robert Morales —
Rocky Rives, a partner in Smith & Rives, PC, the district’s audit firm, gave CCAISD a clean bill of health. Trustees on Monday night voted to approve the audit ended Aug. 31, 2013.
Smith & Rives gave CCAISD an “unmodified opinion,†a designation in accounting that signifies good accounting practices. According to Mr. Rives, CCAISD increased its net financial position by $249,891. The district’s expenditures were $377,931 less than the $6.14 million generated in taxes and other forms of revenue. Last year, expenditures exceeded expenses by $171,788.
Although the current audit was unremarkable, Mr. Rives pointed out as “material noncompliance†that the Free/Reduced Meal program had some issues that should be addressed. “Out of four applications tested for reduced meal eligibility, one did not qualify for reduced,†according to a letter in the audit report.
“Out of 25 applications tested for free meal eligibility, two qualified for only reduced meals and 16 did not have an application on file.†The audit made a recommendation that all applications be kept on file.
As for uncollected taxes, Mr. Rives said that “based upon historical collections, the district will probably not collect these taxes.†The district has a little over $1 million in uncollected taxes.
In other action,
* Trustees approved the sale of a lot (Lot 11, Block 22, Rivas Addition) in the amount of $5,280.
* Discussed and voted to approve the Superintendent Evaluation Tool which encompasses three different categories: Exception, Proficient or Needs Improvement. Trustees in January will evaluate Superintendent Marc Puig.
* Superintendent Marc Puig reported that because of Texas House Bill 5, new teaching positions would be reviewed for Industrial Trade and Technical and Career and Tech Mathematics. He said that a position for Gifted and Talented students would be studied more carefully to assess the exact requirements for the job.
* Presented Soaring Eagle Awards to Adrian Norman, Erica Urias, Lindsey Tyrrell and the Cross Country team.