Summer Webb named as new interim manager at CC Groundwater District

Summer Webb has been named as Interim General Manager at the Culberson County Groundwater Coservation District.
She is working under the guidance of Dr. Al Blair, district engineer, to maintain the office as a valuable information center for the water district.
She said she is thankful for all the help she has received from landowners that have helped her understand some of the functions of her job during her short tenure.
The Texas Water Development Board is charged with the approval of groundwater management plans. All confirmed groundwater conservation districts in Texas are required to develop and implement a management plan for the effective management of their groundwater resources. As of 2013, all confirmed districts have an approved groundwater management plan or are in the process of being approved.
The TWDB provides a wide range of assistance to districts in the development of their management plan from education to technical assistance with water-planning data.


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