The popular Texas restaurant chain Whataburger announced it
will not allow customers to openly carry guns in their restaurants, despite a
new law signed by Governor Greg Abbott in June.
“We've had many customers and employees tell us they're
uncomfortable being around someone with a visible firearm who is not a member
of law enforcement,” the company's CEO Preston Atkinson wrote a statement
released July 2.
“As a business, we have to listen and value that
feedback,” he wrote.
The new open carry law takes effect in January, but property
owners can decide to prohibit open carry as Whataburger has done.
Atkinson said customers will still be allowed to carry
concealed licensed guns and the company is supportive of gun rights.
“I want you to know we proudly serve the gun rights
community. I personally enjoy hunting and also have my concealed carry
license,” Atkinson said.
Whataburger has more than 780 locations in 10 states.