By Becky Brewster
At the regular meeting of the Culberson County Hospital District held on May 9, 2016, the Board had a lengthy discussion on status of the clinic construction project noting that work had come to a standstill when it was discovered that the existing sewer lines under the concrete in the south wing of the facility needed to be replaced. The architect was notified and had to design the layout and specifications for the sewer line replacement. The Board authorized a change order to replace the sewer lines to get the project back on track pending the final approval by the architect and project manager. The project was on track with the completion of the demolition and the asbestos abatement as scheduled. However, to accommodate this change order, the project deadline was extended.
In other business, the Culberson County Hospital District:
• Approved financial reports and accounts payable.
• Discussed submitting an insurance claim for vandalism at the construction site.
• Learned it is “Hospital Week” with many activities planned at the hospital.
• Acknowledged receipt of the “Tobacco Settlement” funds from the State.