Runners on your mark from Van Horn, Alpine, Crank, Wink, Presidio, and Valentine.
Photo by Edna Clark
By Edna Clark
Over 150 long distance cross-country runners converged on Van Horn for the Annual Van Horn High School Red Rock Run on Thursday, September 1. These junior high and high school students represented Alpine, Crane, Wink, Presidio, Valentine, and Van Horn school districts.
Van Horn Sophomore Ryan Corralez finished third in the high school race. Fellow Van Horn students Juan Ramirez, Steven Urias, Nathaniel Arrazate, Sahil Damniwalla, Bryan Dominguez, Mariah Morales, and Stephanie Estrada also competed. Cross Country Coach Adrian Norman coordinated the race with the help of numerous other coaches, teachers, and students from all the participating teams.
A muddy course and weather related delay did little to dampen the runners’ spirits and desire to win. Many runners, including our own Steven Urias, were caked in mud at the end of the race, but they never faltered as they raced to the finish line.