Dear Editor,
On May 20, we were guests at the Van Horn Convention Center for lunch. I was among the participants in the 2016 “Run for the Wall”, southern route to Washington, DC to the Vietnam Memorial.
I was introduced to a gentleman who asked if I would place this hat at the memorial for him. This was my first time on this run, so I was quite honored to be asked to do this for him. Unfortunately I never got his name. I was a Marine in the Vietnam Era, so quite an emotional trip for me.
I am enclosing pictures of the Vietnam Memorial Wall which shows me placing his hat there like I promised. I would appreciate if you could post these pictures at the Convention Center. Hopefully the gentleman who gave me the hat can see I completed my task.
Calvin G. Rupe
Editor’s note: The man, also an Ex-Marine, who requested the task. Manny Grubb of Van Horn lost a friend killed in action whose name appears on the cap, (Bobby G. Baker). Mr. Grubb’s motivation was that his friend had no family left that he knew of to honor this man.