L to R, Bishop Tomlinson, Patti Scott, Holley Kelly and Kennon Houston.
By Lisa Morton
The Culberson County Food Pantry (CCFP) would like to publically thank Porter’s for their continued support of the local food pantry. Our local grocery store has been a source of help to the Culberson County Food Pantry in the past, and recently when we asked for help with providing our families with canned vegetables, they came through for us in a big way. We are extremely grateful to Porter’s and for the help they have provided us. Thanks to everyone at Porter’s from the corporate office to the local employees. We couldn’t provide for our people without this help.
CCFP is in need of additional sponsors and contributors as well. Currently we provide monthly food boxes for over 220 families. Some of the families get “emergency” boxes, but well over 90 per cent receive monthly assistance. Because we receive our food from El Pasoans Fighting Hunger, the food bank in El Paso, we can get about 8 plus pounds of food for each dollar we spend.
We are especially in need of monthly contributors. The Culberson County Food Pantry is in need of assistance to provide much needed food to clients. Currently, the food pantry serves 240 clients, which amounts to approximately 600 individuals. This number is about 28% of the total population of Van Horn. Many clients are elderly and service also helps 20-30 families with school age children.
All of the current support comes from the County, McDonald’s, local churches, and individuals who contribute monthly. The affiliation with El Pasoans Fighting Hunger and Feeding America enables the food pantry to buy about 8 lbs. of food for only $1.00. Community food drives also help but unfortunately are not enough. CCFP urges everyone to “shop local”, as they do whenever possible, however, the most beneficial support is monetary.
It would be most helpful if donations come in the way of a monthly commitment which is tax deductible. Please call CCFP Board Members with your intent and what you are willing to contribute so that plans can be made for future contributions including up-coming holiday season. If you would like to help out your local food pantry, either with a one-time gift or a monthly contribution, please call 432-940-0111 or 432-283-2181.