Shoebox gifts from Valentine headed to Mexico for Christmas

By Beatriz White

Tuesday night the Ladies Bible Study group of the Valentine Community Church meet to put together Christmas packages for children in Mexico.  With the help of several generous contributors the group was able to put together 24 shoe-box gifts filled to the hilt with toys, toiletries and lots of fun things for the children to enjoy.  The boxes will be delivered to Ernie Harmon who will then take them to the children in Mexico.

  rnie Harmon and his wife, Hilda, are missionaries to Mexico.  For more than 35 years they have been working with national pastors in Mexico taking the good news of Christ to remote villages.  It is their custom to hold Christmas events where they will minister to the people, enjoy a good meal and then hand out the gifts to the children.

The Ladies Bible Study Class welcomes ladies of all denominations.  Class is held every Tuesday at 4:15 p.m. at the Valentine Community church in Valentine near the school house and is lead by Ellen Baize of Ft. Davis.  This is the classes third year of making gift packages and they look forward to continuing this effort to send the love of Christ to those who are in such great need.


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