Western Tech College promotes higher education

By Lisa Morton

Representatives from Western Tech College, (WTC), in El Paso were on hand Friday to share information about what WTC has to offer.

The trade schools 13 programs, how important is to apply for Financial Aid, and the importance of applying for the Western Tech High School Senior Scholarship and other scholarships.

There was explanation on the importance of the industry certifications included in most of our programs.

Also covered was housing and internship opportunities.  The presentation included presentation with animated power point and videos and was engaging with giveaways for the students that participate.  The representatives invited all to the WTC Open House on Saturday, January 28.

“We always have a lot of fun when we come to Van Horn!  We are happy to inform the students of the area about the importance of getting a higher education.  We love the southwest and know that these kids have a lot of talent”, said Victor Sanchez of WTC.

CCAISD Councelor Sondra McCoy said, “I appreciated Western Technical College personnel making the trip to Van Horn Schools to present the wonderful programs they offer to students.  It was very informative regarding Western Technical College and post-secondary preparedness for all students. The 9th through 12th graders gained valuable information and have a point of contact for a great privately owned technical college in El Paso as they make important choices about their future.  We were glad to host Valentine and Sierra Blanca students who participated in the presentation. Thank you, Lisa Morton, for making the arrangements for WTC to visit Van Horn.”.

The Advocate’s late Editor Robert Morales spearheaded involving visits from these educational institutions and we are happy to continue the involvement.


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