Faith – Mammon

By Brian Kelly

   “For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.”—Matthew 11.30

   Come to Me, Jesus said.  My hand is out.  Put your trust in Me.  All who have grown weary…By the toil and the grief of their days.  All who have wearied…of the Good things.  Who have lost their enthusiasm.  All who have become…

Discontented.  Come to Me…

All who are heavy-laden.  Who struggle under the weight, under the burden, of Religion…

Of Rules and Thou shall Nots and Punishment and Reward—A Bargaining of a man’s own making…

Come to Me, and I will give you rest.

Bind yourself to Me.  Take upon you My yoke.  A man cannot be bound to two masters.  He cannot belong to both God…And Mammon.

The truth is, once a man has placed Anything beside God—Wealth, glory, praise, R & R, Bread and Circuses, Any thing or Any one—he has made God…Second.  For what is Most Important is just that, Most.  There is no “just as Most.”  A man cannot belong—heart and soul and strength—to two Masters, anymore than he can be in two places at once.  One will always give way to the other.  And whichever one does give way, is the one that is Second…Second in worth.

Bind yourself to Me.  And Learn from Me.  Look at My walk.  Look at what I am.  And Give ear to My words.  For I am kind.  And simple, not Proud.  I am Natural.  Learn from Me…

By doing.  For it is Only by doing that Any learning begins…

And you will have rest for your souls.

Soul is Not another word for spirit, but is All of you—mind, heart, body, and spirit, the union of Clay and Breath —As lived.  Life itself, as lived—that’s your soul.

Learn from Me.  For I am kind.  And simple.  I am natural.  And you will have Rest for your souls…

Ease…And quiet…And the Refreshment that comes from that.

Now the workman Is worthy of his bread.  But earning a wage is Not at all what is meant by serving Mammon.  Mammon is all that is Wordly and Material that men look to, rely on, put their trust in, For all things—security, peace, comfort, happiness, etc.  It is a god.  And at the center of its wor(th)ship is Self.  A god that is served by Taking.  Taking to Have…

As much as one can get.

THE Purpose, Jesus said, for which He came into the world, was To bear witness to the Truth.  His very Character, His ru’ach, Spirit, is truth.  And at the heart of His Character, at the heart of Truth, is Love.  For He is Yahweh, The One Who Is, The Existing One, the Ever-Living…

Life:  Truth is its Spirit.  And Love, its heart.  And it could not be otherwise.

So Learn from Me.  Have rest for your souls.  For My yoke is easy, chrestos, Well-fitting.  Fit to be used.  Fit for you.  Useful for you…

Bind yourself to Me.  I am kind.  And simple.  I am natural.  And My burden is light…

My burden is love—

The Giving of one’s self, all of one’s self, fully and beautifully.  And the desiring for others…Nothing, but what is good.

We have Nothing by Taking.  We have All by Giving.  It is by Taking that life becomes one bereft of the delights of the soul.  It is by Taking that life becomes one of weak cabbage soup, the occasional turnip, and a shirt of goat-hair…

Bind yourselves to Me, Jesus said.  And you will find rest for your souls.  And My burden…

will become Your song.


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