Interviews set for administrator candidates
By Lisa Morton
The Town of Van Horn City Council met in regular session last Monday with a full agenda handled in record time. The first item of business was a Public Hearing on the 2023-2024 budget with no one present to comment.
Councilman Michael Garibay, in his position as Mayor pro tem, conducted the next agenda item regarding council action to replat Lot 2, Block 1, Mucho Grande Estates. Mayor Corrales, who owns the property, recused himself to avoid a conflict of interest, and Council approved the item unanimously.
Council heard several requests from the West Texas Elite group in Van Horn regarding this year’s Cinco de Mayo events hosted by the group. Council approved most of the requests except one where the group asked that city employees be utilized for the clean-ups necessary after events at both the convention center and at the county park.
On a motion to not increase City Council compensation, Councilman Garibay was the sole no vote, so for the coming year, Council pay remains at $700 per regular meeting and $175 per special or other meetings.
The 2023/2024 Van Horn Economic Development Corporation budget was approved as presented after a short review and questioning of line items and projected business of the corporation. Gallman invited all council members to visit with EDC Director Krissy Lerdal with any EDC questions or they can attend their meetings held on the third Wednesday of the month.
The Personnel Policy was amended after it was discovered that 728 hours of employees donated to the Catastrophic Sharing Pool was not included in the last updated policy. Gallman reported that she had spoken to the attorneys and that it was not only necessary but the right thing to do to make the sick leave hours available to those who may need them. Gallman will conduct an orientation lunch with city employees regarding the amended Personnel Handbook.
Council will hold a Special meeting on Wednesday, April 5th for candidate interviews for the City Administrator/City Secretary position.
In other business:
Approval of Minutes from February 27, March 1, and March 8, 2023 meetings and budget work sessions.
Adopted the 2023/2024 Budget as presented.
Appointed Jesus Olivas as Election Judge and Bobby Stewart as Alternate Judge and Election Clerk for the City General Election.
Approved budget amendments for the 2022/2023 Budget.
Approved Ordinance 23-03-440 amending fee schedule.
Adopted IRS mileage rate for city employees.
Approved financial statement for the month ending February 28, 2023.
Gallman presented over a dozen items to review with the council regarding her Administrative Report.