Comptroller distributes $578 million in monthly sales tax revenue

By the Texas Comptroller's Office —

Texas Comptroller Susan Combs said last week that state sales tax
revenue in June was $2.17 billion, up 9.1 percent compared to June 2012.

“Growth in sales tax receipts was led by business
sectors such as manufacturing and construction,” Combs said.
“Remittances from the oil and natural gas industry remain strong, while
sales tax revenue was also notable for restaurants – a consumer sector.

Combs will send cities, counties, transit systems and
special purpose taxing districts their July local sales tax allocations
totaling $578.3 million, up 8.1 percent compared to July 2012.

Pecos had the highest increase (35.72%) in the area,
with Van Horn coming in with a healthy 13.41% increase in sales tax


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