During the recent City meeting, the issue of Code Enforcement took center stage, sparking meaningful discussions regarding local code violations and properties owned by the Town of Van Horn. The Code Enforcement Officer, Raquel Mendez, presented the council with a current list of ongoing cases and their respective statuses.
One of the significant hurdles discussed was the difficulty in moving citations to court, primarily due to the absence of a municipal judge. However, this issue seems to be resolving with the recent appointment of a judge, as cases are now making progress through the system.
A noteworthy point raised during the meeting was the discontinuation of funding from the Van Horn Economic Development Corporation (VHEDC) for addressing code violations related to overgrown properties. Previously, VHEDC provided assistance with cleaning up properties along main thoroughfares. Raquel Mendez highlighted the pressing need for additional funding for her department, underlining that previous requests for extra funding during city budget meetings were not given the necessary priority.
Following a thorough and constructive discussion, the Council expressed their willingness to provide support and asked for ways in which they can be of assistance.
Council heard from local 4-H member, Jerad Arrazate who spoke on his perspective of the youths’ strength building program. Currently, the Culberson County 4-H group is 36 members strong with participants eligible from K-12. Arrazate showed optimism and gratitude to Council for its support for the upcoming Red Dirt Rumble rodeo events and its potential for growth.
VHEDC President Cody Shafer presented Council with a list of current projects including quiet zones and franchises, legal outreach, and other items in the works. Shafer then requested that Council approve the removal of Lyndon McDonald and Nuny Morris from the board given that they had only attended 3 of the last 16 EDC meetings, creating a hardship for conducting business. The council approved the request and appointed councilmen Joseph Corrales and City Administrator Mark Cabezuela to the board.
Richard Knapp of Knapp & Company presented the 2023-2024 Audit mentioning a few challenges with the report due to the sale of the gas company and increased activity of the EDC. The audit was not submitted for a vote of approval at this meeting.
City Administrator Mark Cabezuela provided updates with the assistance of Utilities Director Jony Garcia regarding the DAF Unit, road repairs, golf course water line, and the completion of the elevated water tank, and a 9-1-1 meeting report.
In other business:
Reviewed and denied one bid for $1,194,425 for ARPA 2304 Waterline Replacement.
Approved the City Administrators implementation of an anonymous Employees Suggestion Program.
Approved meeting minutes from July 15, 29, 2024.