The horrendous discovery of a menagerie of neglected and abused animals in varying states of dehydration, starvation, and near-death was made by the local Sheriff’s department, who took possession of goats, chickens, horses, donkeys, and dogs. The animals were divided among several caring locals, and most of the dogs and chickens survived and are even thriving thanks to the kindness of local animal lovers. Unfortunately, many of the horses and goats were beyond saving and did not make it.
Regrettably, not all animals are lucky enough to find a forever home with loving owners who take care of them, and many end up being surrendered to Van Horn Animal Control for a short stay on “death row” before being euthanized. Others are taken on a ride out of town and dumped there with no food or water, sentencing them a long, painful death.
Many of the local animal lovers have wished for an alternate place like Fort Davis’ no kill shelter when they run into a stray or a run-away. Their wishes have come true thanks to the unselfish efforts of Wings Ranch Rescue in Sierra Blanca. The Rescue is located on 20 acres in Hudspeth County, and was established by David and Jamie Wing, started out as a labor of love and has grown to a 501 C3 Nonprofit organization. The rescue works closely with law enforcement in Hudspeth and Culberson Counties and with Animal Control locally to provide an option to euthanasia.

Several employees of Blue Origin, headed up by Joe O’Hara, have recently discovered the rescue and have provided materials for building 10 more pens and publicizing the rescue on the Blue Origin big screens in their cafeteria. Jamie Wing told the Advocate that the rescue always needs donations for building materials, vaccinations, veterinarian services and food. They are also a partner of the Best Friends Network, made up of thousands of public and private shelters, rescue groups, and spay/neuter organizations.
Anyone wishing to help or donate by calling Jamie at 432-207-2626, or through Messenger and email at [email protected]. Their success stories can be seen on their Wings Ranch Rescue Facebook page. Donors can also go to the local Higginbotham’s hardware store when they can see David Wing, who works there. The rescue is working to bring a mobile neuter/spay veterinarian to the area soon to help prevent unwanted pregnancies that add to the current stray problem. Thanks to David and Jamie for their selfless and endless work and for keeping with their mission statement that their sanctuary “is founded on principles of compassion, empathy, and respect for all living beings.”