County sets tax rate hearing

Culberson County Commissioners finished their long regular meeting last Monday morning with a unanimous approval of the tax rate recommended by County Treasurer Adrian Hinojos. Hinojos recommended the voter approval rate of 0.133740 per $100 versus the NNR (no new revenue) tax rate of 0.129217 per $100. Prior to the vote, Hinojos reminded the Court that it had not voted for the voter approval rate for 5 years until last year, having voted for the effective tax rate which had resulted in lost revenue. Of course, prior to officially adopting the tax rate, there will have to be a budget hearing at the County Courthouse on August 26th at 10:00 a.m., where voters can voice their opinion on the new tax rate.

Mr. Hinojos also provided the Court with the 2023 Culberson County Consolidated Annual Tax report, with a higher-than-average collection rate of 99%, with the budget having been set at a projected 95% collection rate. The current amount of uncollected taxes is only

$17,434 vs current collections of more than $7,000,000. Mr. Hinojos also reported that the County’s participation in the investment pool had netted $158, 691 to date.

The Court revisited a previous agenda item and this time voted to approve line-item transfers within the budgets of elected officials without Commissioners’ Court approval after Mr. Hinojos clarified that such transfers usually only occurred during the last 3 months of the fiscal year. At the request of Road and Bridge foreman, Mingo Corrales, the Court approved the purchase of two ¾ ton, 4-wheel-drive pickups, a skid steer with attachments and an electric welder. Hinojos also submitted invoices from Legacy Mortuary, LLC for the extended storage of two deceased persons, one for $16,000 and one for $22,000.

Commissioners also heard that the County could be in danger of losing its grant for the local Nutrition Center if more people don’t start eating at the center in person instead of having their meals delivered. At a later meeting, commissioners will address delivery criteria versus eating at the center to ensure compliance with grant requirements.

In other business, Commissioners:

Renewed the appointment of Dr. David Cummings as the Culberson County Local Health Authority

Approved back pay and salary adjustment to Lori Holguin, the 394th Court Coordinator in the amount of $10, 447

Denied an application from a county employee for sick pool days pending definitive need for the days


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