By Rodney Tilley, Pastor Van Horn Community Church —
This past week we began a new season as the calendar told us that
autumn was upon us. We have not experienced the aspen trees turning into
their autumn colors in the Guadalupes yet, although we have felt the
cool mornings and sensed the clean air.
We are beginning a new season and it is showing the first signs of
change. It is one of my favorite times in Van Horn as opposed to spring
when the only color you see is the haze of red from the dust blowing
across the sky.
But seasonal change can cause a variety of other issues, some good
and some not so good. We experienced this at the mental health clinic
that I used to work at. We made all the various diagnosis and applied
the related acronyms; ADD, ADHD, ODD, PAD, and for sure the most widely
But there was one disorder that goes along with the change of seasons
and the DSM has labeled it appropriately, SAD. It stands for “Seasonal
Anxiety Disorder,” and of course it makes you just that; sad. It was
just another name for the old “winter blues.” It is found in those areas
where the long winter and the extended stays inside your home leads one
to feelings of depression and despair, with the only sure cure being
the return of summer or maybe a move to Florida or West Texas.
However, researchers have found that sitting in bright ultraviolet
light can ease the depression and the symptoms of SAD. And rightly so.
We have known for years that if you sit in the light as opposed to
staying in darkness for extended lengths of time, good things begin to
happen. The light relieves some of the depression and concern, and moves
you into feelings of security and peace. The light even provides the
needed vitamin D and other essential nutriments that your body needs for
growth and healing. Light is another food group added along with your
fruits and vegetables.
I guess that is why the Bible tells us in I Peter 3:9 that Jesus
has “…called us out of darkness into his wonderful light.” and again why
Jesus was called, “the light of the world,” knowing full well that
there is health and healing in Him. Sitting in long periods of darkness
leads us to disorientation and a lack of vision and direction, while
sitting in the light of God's presence takes you to places of assurance
and peace. He is our peace.
So today rejoice, for you not only live in West Texas, but you
also can live in Christ. You can bask in God's goodness, and celebrate
in his creation. You can walk in his light and move out of darkness. You
can chase the blues away and laugh at your friend's tired jokes. You
can be cured, released, and renewed in the love of God. So do it today
and stop being SAD and laugh at your friend's tired jokes. You can be cured, released,
and renewed in the love of God. So do it today and stop being SAD.