By almost any measurement, this year’s Frontier Days was an immense success. This success doesn’t just happen by accident. It can be attributed to the hard work and planning of our Women’s Service League.
Planning an event such as this one is no easy feat. It takes a great deal of dedication, way too many hours to mention, and a knack for knowing how to make the puzzle fit together so that when the event happens, everyone will think it was a piece of cake.
To their credit, these group of women gave it their all, and they produced a flawless event that drew visitors from many parts of the state, and perhaps even a few from out of state.
This is exactly the type of events that people crave because it brings people of all ages out to enjoy good, old-fashioned fun, not to mention the comaraderie when locals get together and see friends they haven’t seen in a while, or even acquaintences they just saw two days ago.
These events are meant to be intimate, yet large enough to welcome any person that is passing through town or those who have made the trip to Van Horn exclusively for this event.
By the time the street dance began, the crowd had settled in to hear some music while the vendors sold their wares and food that was available until the lsat tune was played.
The weather cooperated, and it was a perfect evening, perhaps even a little cooler than usual, and we were able to see from our vantage point on Broadway the fantastic fireworks display also put on by the Women’s Service League.