Uranga, Seyfert earn 2nd Place in debate at qualifying meet


The Van Horn High School Cross-Examination Debate Team composed of juniors Camille Uranga and Kyle Seyfert competed at Mountain View High School at Clint ISD on Jan. 9 to compete in the Texas Forensic Association Qualifying Meet.

Schools attending this meets included: Americas High, Burgess high, Chapin High, Coronado High, Del Valle, Eastwood, Fabens, Franklin, Hanks, Montwood, Odess High, Valle Verde, Ysleta Loretto Academcy and Van Horn High School.

Cami and Kyle did an outstanding job representing VHHS, going undefeated in the three rounds on Friday and the semi-final round on Saturday morning.
In the championship round, in a split decision, they won second place against Ysleta’s number one team.

In the process, these two remarkable students won the respect of the “big boys” in the region from 4-A and 6-A schools.

Congratulations to Cami and Kyle, and when you see them, let them know how proud you are of them for their efforts and their hard work.
Because they were so successful in this meet, they participated in enough rounds to qualify for the UIL state meet, if they are first in the district, which they are expecting to be.

Also, by virtue of their performance at Mountain View, they have at least four and maybe six point out of eight necessary to qualify for TFA State – if were members. Nonetheless, please show your pride in VHHS and these two excellent debaters as they pursue their quest for a state championship.


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