By Erica Urias
Last weekend, we hosted the Van Horn Golf Invitational. It’s been more than 20 years since we’ve hosted a tournament of this magnitude, and I am grateful to everyone who had a hand in helping make last weekend a huge success.
It was an excellent turnout this weekend with teams such as Alpine, Kermit, Crane, Sierra Blanca, Denver City, McCamey, Wink, and Ft. Stockton in attendance.
Our Boy’s Golf Team placed 4th overall. Our top golfer for the boy’s tournament was Kyle Seyffert. Kyle shot a 94 and placed 13th out of 45 boys. Kyle works hard each practice and is determined to improve each tournament. It was exciting to watch the kids from all the schools compete.
For our Girl’s Golf Team, we only had three girls compete in our tournament this year so we were not eligible to compete as a team.
Nonetheless, our girls competed well. Lezlie Jones was our top golfer for the girl’s tournament. Lezlie placed 5th out of 48 girls with a score of 100. Despite a knee injury, Lezlie continues to push herself and is determined to improve each day and sets the example for others to follow.
Our golf course is in excellent condition. I would like to thank Raul Rodriguez, Rafael Rodriguez and all the employees at the course for working so hard to get the course ready.
We received many compliments this weekend about the maintenance of the course. I would like to thank the Van Horn city council members for giving us the days and times to host our tournament.
Thank you to everyone that donated supplies for all of our golfers and to all the parents and community members who are always willing and ready to support our golf program. Thank you to Coach Gibson for his continued support and encouragement with our programs.