By Lisa Morton
At the CCAISD regular meeting on Monday, consideration and adoption of order by the board of trustees was given on motion by Romy Ramirez, seconded by Angie Gonzalez that the board of trustees adopt calling a bond election to be held within said district; making provisions for the conduct and the giving of notice of the election; and containing other provisions relating thereto. Trustee Jack Dorris opposed.
In other business, approved transferring of funds from The Pecos County State Bank to a Lone Star account. They also approved the 2016-17 School Calender as presented. Board unanimously approved a two year extension on the contract for Superintendant Dalia Benavidez.
Board President Paul Uranga presented for the board a written sheriff report concerning a student’s claim about a driver that approached her on school grounds. Board member Rosio Onate asked the Superintendant to revisit safety measures and emergency response mechanisms with local officials and reinstate a Truancy officer in the District.