May 7 elections includes PROPOSITION NO. ONE for $30M bond

By Becky Brewster

Joint General Election offices:

City Alderman, 2 spots:  Pam Young, Cody Davis and incumbent Rudy Hinojos.

Mayor, 1 spot:  Incumbent Glenn Humphries, Abel Fierro and Becky Brewster.

Special CCAISD Election:

PROPOSITION NO. ONE:  “The issuance of $30,000,000 Bonds for the purpose of designing, constructing, renovating, acquiring and equipping school facilities and levying of the tax in payment thereof”.

The CCAISD Board of Trustees will have PROPOSITION  NO. ONE on the ballot for voters to decide on whether or not to approve a $30M bond issue for facility improvements. The CCAISD School Board has developed a web page relating to the 2016 Bond proposal on the District’s website and the link is  The web page provides factual information to the residents of the District.

Whether you support or oppose the proposition, the first and most important step to this process is to be sure you are registered to vote.  To be able to vote in this election, a voter must reside within the school district boundaries, meet voter eligibility requirements and have registered to vote by Thursday, April 7. Other voter eligibility requirements include:

• You must be a citizen of the United States.

• You must be 18 years of age by the date of the election.

• You must reside in the county where you are registering.

• You must not be a convicted felon. If you have a felony conviction, you must have completed your sentencing, paid your fines, and completed your parole.

• You must not have been declared mentally incompetent in a court of law.

An official voter registration application can be obtained at the Culberson County Voter Registrar’s Office, (Tax Office), located at 300 La Caverna. You can also fill out a voter registration application online at, print it and mail it or take it by the Voter Registrar’s Office.  The mailing address for the Culberson County Voter Registrar is PO Box 668, Van Horn, TX 79855.


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