By Pastor Rodney Tilley
This week it felt like a “Circus” with everyone running around and life in a mad rush to nowhere. For me it started with my daughter-in-law being deathly sick over a pregnancy, an accident with a hit and run driver, a fire at my building, equipment failure, a move by my son, a sound system that did not work again at the church, and that was just the first day. I told my wife that I am just going to sit and see what happens next.
It reminded me of a scripture in Amos 5:19, “It will be a though a man fled from a lion only to meet a bear, as though he entered his house and rested his hand on the wall, only to have a snake bite him.” You have been there and some of you will say, “You’re right about that one for that is the way my week went too.” I went from bad to worst and then when I finally got home, out of the rat race and the circus of life, a snake came out and bit me. What a week….
That “lion” of a boss sent a new directive just opposite of the one I received yesterday, and that one contradicts all that he said earlier in a staff meeting last week.
I just got my car out of the repair shop and that “snake” of a man I confronted last week “keyed” my car and of course, my insurance does not cover vandalism.
My spouse came home angry with a “beast” of an attitude and was upset because a co-worker walked off the job.
I lost my cell phone for the third time in one day, and I have a “bear” of a cough and that new flu is knocking at my door.
It was bears and lions and snakes running everywhere and I thought the circus left town.
But be encouraged, look up, for the Bible tells us that the lion will be tamed, and will eat straw like an ox. It reminds us too that we will tread on snakes and serpents, and it continues to let us know that the “infant will play near hole of the cobra, and the young child put his hand into the viper’s nest.” (Isaiah 11:7-8) And all will be okay.
The Bible tells us that one day the huge “beast” that threatens to devour us and our world will be destroyed and “He will wipe every tear from our eyes.” (Rev. 21:4).
So this week, slay those beasts, kill those monsters, and free yourself from all the enemy throws your way, for God has given you dominion over every creature. Be encouraged for God is still in control and the “creatures of hell” are being destroyed. Remember this- the circus left town and took all the bears, lions, and snakes, and the creatures of the night.
In fact, this week I noticed that the humming birds are back in town and the little baby quails are running wild, and those circus animals I can take. The circus came, but the circus went, and life still goes on……
For more information on the “Circus of Life” call: Pastor Rodney Tilley at the Van Horn Community Church, 432-207-0015.