Groundwater Management Area 4 members with Texas Water Development Board representative, Robert Bradley
Pictured front and clockwise is: Robert Bradley (TWDB) Randy Barker (Hudspeth County Groundwater) Rudy Garcia (Presidio County Groundwater) Joan Johnson (Brewster County Groundwater) Summer Webb (Culberson County Groundwater) Janet Adams (Fort Davis Groundwater)
Photo by Lisa Morton
By Lisa Morton
In a recent meeting of the Groundwater Management Area 4 members, (GMA-4), approval of the following resolution for adoption of the proposed Desired Future Conditions for the aquifers in Area 4, began the process for a 90 day period for individual districts to hold meetings for the purpose of public comment.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: That the District members of Groundwater Management Area 4 have adopted the following proposed DFCs:
Brewster County GCD: for the period from 2010-2060. 3 foot drawdown for the Edwards-Trinity (Plateau) Aquifer, 10 foot drawdown for the Igneous Aquifer, 0 foot drawdown for the Marathon Aquifer, 0 foot drawdown for the Capitan Reef Complex, and the Rustler was deemed non-relevant for joint planning purposes. Culberson County GCD: for a period from 2010-2060. 50 foot drawdown for the Capitan Reef Complex, 78 foot drawdown for the West Texas Bolsons, 66 foot drawdown for the Igneous Aquifer, and the Edwards Trinity (Plateau) and Upper Salt Basin were deemed non-relevant for joint planning purposes. Hudspeth County UWCD No. 1: 0 foot drawdown for the period from 2010 until 2060 for the Bone Springs-Victorio Peak Aquifer, averaged across the portion of the aquifer within the boundaries of the District. Jeff Davis County UWCD: for the period from 2010-2060. 20 foot drawdown for the Igneous Aquifer, 72 for drawdown for the West Texas Bolsons, and the Edwards-Trinity (Plateau), Pecos Valley Aquifer, Capitan Reef Complex, and the Rustler were deemed non-relevant for joint planning purposes. Presidio County UWCD: for the period from 2010-2060. 14 foot drawdown for the Igneous Aquifer, 72 foot drawdown for the West Texas Bolsons, 72 foot drawndown for the Presidio-Redford Bolson.
Landowner George Strickhausen stated that as a concerned citizen and landowner, he will be exercising his right to submit comments in fairness for all.