By Becky Brewster
At the regular meeting of the Culberson County – Allamoore ISD held on April 20, the Board had a lengthy discussion on the public’s use of the weight room at the Delaware gym. Recent vandalism involving breaking down the doors between the weight room and the gym caused the board to deliberate the merits of allowing public access to school facilities. This access has been provided as a service to the community, but the actions of one miscreant could ruin it for everyone. Various options were discussed to reduce the likelihood of future vandalism, including the installation of cameras, using non-duplicating keys, relocating the weight room off school property, staffing the weight room for extremely limited hours, and closing public access altogether, but no definitive solution was reached. At the same time, Trustee Angie Gonzalez requested that the Board consider opening the track up for public use since this facility has security cameras to monitor activity. She noted that increased traffic on Hwy 54 and FM 2185 due to the pipeline activity makes it a safety hazard for citizens that have been using this area for their walks.
Senior Blanca Gonzalez and Sophomore Jacelynn Lucas, members of the Superintendent’s Advisory Committee, addressed the Board in support of the 2016 Bond issue. Marcial Gonzalez also spoke in support of the Bond issue, reviewing the many issues creating the need for a new facility.
The CCAISD Board of Trustees adopted the following Board Goals:
1.To have facilities meet the growing needs of our students, faculty and staff.
2.To have employees who are highly qualified and committed to CCAISD.
3.To have innovative programs that help students excel.
Board President Paul Uranga pointed out that all decisions made by the Board should be based on these goals.
After a short executive session, the Board voted to accept the recommendations of Supt. Benavides to renew teacher contracts for 2016-2017 as presented, to renew the counselor contract, and to accept the resignation of one employee. The names of the employees were not announced.
The Board then recognized the Maintenance and Custodial Staff, noting that the District has hosted six of the seven scheduled track meets which required extra effort by the staff above and beyond the regular workload. Supt. Benavides stated that these track meets take lots of work to pitch in and get ready, noting that the staff has done an “exceptional” job.
Supt. Benavides praised Sooky Borrego, Cafeteria Manager, for securing a $5000 School District Training Grant for cafeteria staff. It was also reported that CCAISD has a State Qualifier in Golf and a State Qualifier in Tennis. CCAISD golfer Lezlie Jones and tennis player Cami Uranga qualified.
Supt. Benavides reviewed the CCAISD Housing Lease Agreement recommending that the Board clarify the language in the lease to differentiate between employee and non-employee renters. She further recommended that non-employees, in lieu of increased rent, be required to begin paying water/sewer/garbage utilities once their current lease expires. The rent houses on Houston Street are connected by one master water meter so in order to implement this policy change, the District will have to have separate water meters installed.
In other business, the CCAISD Board members:
• Reviewed the Board’s Vision/Mission/Values/Goals
• Accepted TASB Policy Update 104 which incorporated the amendments to the Administrative Code following the legislative session.
• Accepted the 588 Co-op Shared Services Agreement to add Sierra Blanca ISD.