By Becky Brewster
The Culberson County Hospital District learned that Preferred Management Corporation had contracted with the Crane Pharmacy to provide delivery service of prescriptions to the Van Horn Rural Health Clinic. This service began July 1, and the volume of prescriptions has been “overwhelming.” Preferred has leased space to the Pharmacy and is working toward a full tele-pharmacy operation. The filled prescriptions are delivered daily at 3:00 p.m. A representative from Crane Pharmacy is in the clinic daily beginning at 10:00 a.m. to dispense the medications. There is a form (available at the clinic) to complete to get set up in advance with the Crane Pharmacy.
Judy Blazek, Project Manager for the Clinic Construction project, briefed the Board on the status of the clinic construction project noting that the interior sewer line has been completed and floor re-poured, all duct work has been fabricated and 50% installed, and the electrician is almost finished with the electrical conduit. Blazek noted that all documentation has been filed with the insurance company on the vandalism claim. The Board ratified and approved various change orders for the project. Kathy Potts, Project Architect, reported that she and Fratto Engineering conducted a site inspection on July 19.
Jonathon Voelkel, Hospital Administrator, reported that the District had been awarded the $75K CIP grant from the Texas Department of Agriculture for a chemistry analyzer and digital radiology equipment. The next step is the preparation of the specifications and advertising for bids.
In other business, the Culberson County Hospital District:
• Approved financial reports and accounts payable.
• Denied a tax sale proposal submitted by Jeremy Weaver.
• Learned that an ambulance has been sent to CASA Ford for turbo repairs.
• Received the 2016 Certified Taxable Values from the Appraisal District in the amount of $825,276,520.
• Learned that Preferred had contracted with a Nurse Practitioner to begin duties July 25.