First woman nominee for President of the United States

Young girl at Hillary Clinton rally.

Google image.

By Gilda Morales

Hillary Clinton made history last week in Philadelphia when Democrats officially nominated her as their nominee for president, becoming the first woman from either party to achieve the dream and to break the proverbial “glass ceiling.” Terry O’Neill, president of the National Organization for Women said, “Hillary did this for all the politicians to come.’’

“I’m so happy this day has come,’’ said Hillary Clinton. “Because when any barrier falls in America, it clears the way for everyone. … After all, when there are no ceilings, the sky’s the limit,” she added.

Since both parties’ conventions there have been modest gains for both candidates, but it appears that Secretary Clinton is definitely better off.  Since mid-July, Hillary Clinton has experienced a 6-point gain in her image and now has a 44 percent favorable rating.  Donald Trump is at 32 percent, which is where he’s been for months. Clinton is of course coming off her convention and this could drop again, but whoever leads the favorable “race”, nearly always wins the election.

Even though Donald Trump did have 2 million more people tune-in to watch his speech than Secretary Clinton’s, if the election were held today, Hillary Clinton would win by at least 5 points. However, with Trump’s daily gaffes, especially his disregard and disrespect for the military, which is typically “hands off,” Clinton’s lead could be much higher.


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