Fracture sidelines Renee Rivera

By Rob Segura

VHHS Volleyball player Renee Rivera has recently been put into a cast.  Renee suffered a fracture to her foot that was realized when she experienced swelling after recent games. She has been limited to almost no physical activity especially on the court.  Renee is no stranger to competition and surely no stranger to championships. Being a State Champion in Track and Field, her leadership for this Volleyball team is extraordinary. Renee says, “It’s a different game when I’m not so involved in the heat of the moment and on the court.  She continues, “I’m able to see and hear exactly what Coach Urias is seeing while making smart strategic decisions in the middle of play on the court.”  It just makes so much more sense.”  “It’s helped me to become a better player mentally and now I will be able to take this leadership and coaching to the floor as sometimes we are not able to hear Coach Urias from the bench.” “I can make adjustments on the floor with the girls and position ourselves for better passing, hitting, blocking, defense and overall volleyball play”.

Renee truly shows the traits of a great athlete, but even more so the characteristics of a great team player and a leader.  Renee will still be out approximately five more weeks depending on doctor evaluation’s. Don’t be fooled however, her leadership and play transfers directly from the bench to the floor; quite possibly another Assistant Coach for the Lady Eagles of Van Horn.


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