By Edna Clark
The Culberson County Groundwater Conservation District (CCGCD) met on Wednesday, August 10, for its regularly scheduled meeting and to Reconvene Contested Case Hearing – NHUPP001. Four of five members were present.
Attorney Steve Mitchell served as Hearing Officer for the Contested Case Hearing, NHUPP001, between Citizens Forrest Perry and Mr. and Mrs. George Strickhausen and another party. After an extensive delay, Perry & Strickhausen related they had a tentative agreement to settle the initial protest. All other action in this case has been delayed pending a final agreement.
General Manager, Summer Webb, presented District Members with the Culberson County District Recapitulation Report showing 94% collection rate of taxes. Report was accepted by District Members.
Discussion of the effective tax rates and potential Roll-Back tax rates ensued. Mrs. Webb related the effective tax rate is 0.065693 per $100 of property valuation while a roll-back rate would be 0.063698 per $100 of property valuation. A public hearing for the roll-back rates was held yesterday.
A 2016 budget workshop was held with the largest anticipated change being in legal fees, field technician payments, and professional engineering fees. The new budget takes effect on October 01, 2016.
Mrs. Webb made District Members aware that the Lobo Aquifer has seen a drop in water level of 22 feet since 2011. Approximately, 2.59 acre feet of water have been used. The Wildhorse Aquifer water level has dropped 4 feet since 2011. Non-pumping water well is needed and being sought to determine accurate monitoring of current water levels.
Payment of bills in the amount of $11,014.33 was approved.
September’s regular meeting agenda will include discussion and action of the proposed tax rates, 2016 budget, and closure of the Perry/Strickhausen NHUPP001 hearing.