CCAISD adopts deficit budget

By Becky Brewster

The Culberson County Allamoore ISD Board of Trustees reviewed the proposed budget for the 2016-2017 Fiscal Year.  Supt. Dalia Benavidez explained each item on the functional budget comparing the proposed budget to the prior year budget.  She noted that approximately $600,000 was cut from prior year amounts, but that approximately $488,000 was added in different areas for a net decrease of $112,000 in the operating budgets. The budget also includes the step increases for teachers.  Based on projected revenues, this proposed budget shows a shortfall of $736,801.  This shortfall arises from the increase in the Chapter 41 recapture funds estimated to be $4.7 million based on FY 2015-2016 figures which is $1.8 million over the payment being made this fiscal year.

This deficit is proposed to be funded from the FY 2015-2016 carryover estimated to be over $1.0 million, which will still allow the fund balance to be increased by over $263,000. Board President Paul Uranga noted that the District will not see any savings on the recapture funds until after the new campus is built and operational. At that time, the District will also be eligible for an Instructional Facility Allotment and an Existing Debt Allotment.  The goal of the District regarding the fund balance is to “not dip into it next year.”  However, the existing $4 million fund balance is well over the required 3 months operational expenses amount of $1.5 million.  Supt. Benavidez stated that the District has a “healthy fund balance.”

After adopting the proposed FY 2016-2017 budget as presented, the Board adopted the 2016 Tax Rate at $1.50/$100 taxable valuation.  This will be allocated with $1.04 for the Maintenance and Operating (M&O) budget and $.46 for the Debt Service budget.  The maximum tax rate a school district can adopt for M&O is $1.04/$100 valuation unless the District has a Tax Ratification Election (TRE) which can increase the rate up to $1.17/$100 valuation. Prior TRE attempts by the CCAISD have failed.

The District received two bids for fuel for the 2016-2017 school year from Van Horn Oil Company and C&L Gas Kard.  Although C&L Gas Kard was $.016 less for diesel fuel, Van Horn Oil Company was $.052 less on unleaded gasoline.  The Trustees awarded the fuel bids to Van Horn Oil Company, noting that the base bid price is contingent upon price increases/decreases from the supplier.

In other business, the CCAISD Board members:

• Approved  FY 2015-2016 Budget Amendments.

• Approved the FY 2016-2017 Investment Policy.

• Approved the FY 2016-2017 Hazardous Bus Route.

• Approved the FY 2016-2017 Employee Compensation Plan.


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