By Adrian Gilmore
Heritage Funeral home is hosting it’s first Holiday Memorial Service this Christmas season on December the 20, at 7:00 p.m. at the Van Horn Convention Center. The event has been hosted by Heritage Funeral Home’s affiliate, Pecos Funeral Homes in previous years, but this year, everyone in Van Horn and the surrounding areas who have lost those so dear to them are invited to pay respects to the lives of loved ones lost this year. Those who grieve during the holidays often feel pressured to put on a smile and overlook their sadness. Many times, these individuals don’t want to make others around them uncomfortable or sad, so they pretend to feel happy. This memorial service can offer you the opportunity to griev.
If you, or someone you know is grieving the loss of a loved one this holiday season, please feel free to attend Heritage Funeral Home’s service on the 20th. The service is intended to create the proper time and environment for you to memorialize your deceased loved one.
For more information, call Heritage Funeral Home representative Linda Hillin at (432) 283-2222