By Becky Brewster
Culberson County Commissioners met in Regular Session on April 10, 2017. Commissioners reviewed and approved the final plans and specifications prepared by Kleinmann Consultants for the renovations to the concession stand/restrooms at the Veteran’s Memorial Park. The project is being funded through a grant from the Texas Department of Agriculture TxCDBG program and should be ready to go for bids within the next few weeks. Since the bids will be awarded during the softball season, the Court has to decide whether to start construction immediately or delay the start of construction until October.
The Court then approved a proposal for the installation of playground equipment that was recently purchased for the City-County Park and the Day Care Center. Playgrounds Etc. will prepare the site, erect the equipment with the required fall-zones and provide the fill material (woodchips) for a cost of $18,899.00 for both sites. Construction is expected to start within two weeks. Commissioners also received an update on the improvements to the Red Sox Field. Eddie Navarrette asked the Court to consider dedicating the Red Sox Field to his grandfather, Rale Navarrette, a former County Commissioner and proponent of the parks, by renaming the facility “Rale Navarette Memorial Field.” Upon advice of the County Attorney, the Court will consider an order to set the basics regarding the name, signage and costs at a future meeting, noting that the renovations will be done in phases over several years.
After a presentation by David Rivera, computer consultant, regarding the upcoming installation of the NetData software for the JP Courts, the Commissioners approved the creation of a “client bridge” by Fixx Ur PC for $3475. This client bridge will allow the point-to-point connection of the computers at alternate sites to the secure software portals at the Courthouse and JP One. JPs for Precincts Two and Four operate out of their homes at this time and will need access to the new software to be able to conduct court business. This option will eliminate the need for an additional server at the Courthouse plus monthly internet fees at the two remote locations.
In other County business, the Court also
•Proclaimed April 2017 as Fair Housing Month.
• Renewed contract for Tax Services with Pritchard and Abbott for 2018 and 2019.
•Approved purchase of TV and cable service for Nutrition Center.
•Authorized Cody Davis to begin obtaining pricing for radios for first responders.
•Approved Utility Permit 17-004.
•Approved seven tax resale bid requests.
•Amended Budget.
•Heard reports on County Projects.
•Approved monthly payroll and expenses for March.