County law enforcement overtime policy adopted

By Becky Brewster

Culberson County Commissioners met in special session on Monday. The Court convened in closed session to discuss several items including the County’s sick leave policy, the new overtime calculation and rules policy, and Law Enforcement pay and overtime policy. After reconvening in open session, the Court agreed to cap the accumulation of sick leave for County employees at 320 hours. They also approved providing health insurance for the local emergency management coordinator. The most drastic change came with the adoption of the Fair Labor Standards Act 207(k) exemption for law enforcement employees. Instead of a traditional 7-day work period, these employees will now be on a 14-day work period with overtime coming in to play after 86 hours of actual work time during the work period. Overtime will not accrue in any work period during which an employee reports sick leave, vacation, emergency, holiday or compensatory time until the number of actual hours worked exceeds 86 hours. This policy will help the County save on overtime pay and provide more flexibility in scheduling.

In other County business, the Court also:

Approved a court-ordered refund for tax collections.

Acknowledged that tax certificates will be charged per parcel rather than per owner.

Approved a contract for the construction of a canopy at JP#1 office.

Heard reports on various County Projects.


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