Trauma Services at Culberson Hospital Awarded Perfect Score

From Left to right: Jonathan Voelkel, hospital administrator, Mehdy Osorio, RN, director of nursing, Tony Velasquez, EMS supervisor and Dr. Ed Garner, chief of EMS services

Photo by Gilda Morales

By Judy Blazek

After a lengthy process, leadership at Culberson Hospital were recently notified that the hospital passed its Trauma Designation Survey with flying colors and would be re-designated as a Level IV Trauma Center.

“This is a major achievement and a great example of a team effort,” said Jonathon Voelkel, Hospital Administrator.  “But special congratulations need to go out to Jayson Connally, RN, our Trauma nurse coordinator, Mehdy Osorio, RN, chief nursing officer, Jennifer Carrillo, health information Manager, Corazon Villero and Kayla Black, Trauma Registrars, Priscilla Ortega, Administrative Assistant, and Dr. Garner, Trauma Medical Director, who all worked so hard to make sure we met the many survey requirements,” he continued.

The Trauma Designation Survey is conducted by the Texas EMS Trauma and Acute Care Foundation, (TETAF), with a review by the Office of EMS/Trauma Systems Coordination of the Texas Department of State Health Services (TDSHS).

This process takes a full year to complete, beginning with the submission of a detailed application and finishing with an on-site survey comprised of multiple interviews, facility and equipment inspections, review of policies and procedures, a patient chart review and a review of staff in-service and continuing education.

During the survey process, hospital staff must demonstrate that Culberson Hospital can:  provide resuscitation, stabilization, and assessment of injury victims, and either provide treatment or arrange for appropriate transfer to a higher level designated trauma facility; provide ongoing educational opportunities in trauma related topics for health care professionals and the public; and implement targeted injury prevention programs.

Strengths, weaknesses and deficiencies are discussed at an exit interview following completion of the on-site survey.  “This year we are proud to say that no deficiencies were identified, resulting in a perfect survey,” said Voelkel.

Trauma designation is granted for four years, so the hospital will need to gear up again in three years to repeat this process.


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