Tia Juana will cheerfully provide advice for anyone that asks. Just mail your questions to “Ask Tia Juana” at PO Box 8, Van Horn, Texas 79855. All questions will remain anonymous unless there is a chance for extortion. Disclaimer: Tia Juana is not a licensed counselor or therapist and none of the advice should be considered professional.
Dear Tia,
One of my best friend’s teenage daughters just told her that she was pregnant—at 15! I have a 14-year-old daughter myself, and now I am scared to death that she will end up the same way. I have educated her on the perils of teenage sex, and her father and I think we have raised her right, but that’s what my friend thought. Is there anything that parents can do to insure that they don’t become grandparents at a very young age?
Dear Shocked,
Although you seem to have prepared your daughter by educating her, there is not much that you can to do absolutely guarantee that your daughter does not engage in teenage sex, short of sending her to a convent. If she does engage in sex, it does not mean that she is a bad person, just that she is not making good choices. As part of her education, you should take her to her pediatrician—yes, technically, a pediatrician treats patients up to age 18—or to your family healthcare provider, for a “little talk.” If your religion allows it, make sure that the talk includes education about birth control, and preventing STDs. Otherwise, keep encouraging your daughter to make good choices, and support her in every way. Good luck.