Cheryl and Donald Parker
By Larry Simpson
First Baptist Church has been withouta pastor for nearly three years. That situation is changing this Sunday, July 2nd. Donald Parker and his wife Cheryl arrived in Van Horn on Tuesday evening and began the process of unpacking on Wednesday at the church’s parsonage. The Parker’s and their son Joshua come to Van Horn from the Corpus Christi area where they served as pastor in a church there.
Parker has studied at Dallas Baptist University and received a Diploma of Ministry from South Texas School of Christian Studies.
He formerly worked for the Baptist General Convention of Texas as a church planter and pastored the church he planted in the Corpus Christi area before coming to Van Horn. The church he left to come to Van Horn was the Cowboy Fellowship of San Patricio County in Sinton, Texas. He started that church with 12 people and grew it to an average attendance of 120. Additionally, Parker went to Kenya, Africa to train pastors in February of this year. He has also built churches in Nicaragua and dorms in Mexico.
Parker said on arrival here, “We’re so pleased to be in Van Horn and look forward to meeting folks here as we become active in the church and community.”
Parker also said, “We would like to welcome everyone to church services this Sunday morning at 11 a.m as we look forward to serving our Lord here.”