immunizations are a vital part of preparing your child to go back to school.
Photo from Google Images
Submitted by Judy Blazek,
Culberson County Hospital
The first day of school for Culberson County-Allamoore ISD students is August 28, giving parents four weeks to address school supplies, clothes, after school care and, of course, immunizations.
During school, children come into contact with many other children in close quarters, potentially exposing them to harmful diseases, such as measles. According to the Texas Department of State Health Services (TDSHS), measles is so contagious that if one person has it, 90 percent of the people close to that person who are not immune will also become infected.
The TDSHS also reports that prior to vaccine introduction, annual measles incidence peaked at 85,862 in 1958 in Texas. Since the introduction of vaccine, cases have decreased by 99.9 percent, with nearly all cases and outbreaks of measles in Texas since 2000 attributed to exposure to imported cases from countries where measles still regularly occurs.
Texas requires that all students show acceptable evidence of vaccination prior to “entry, attendance or transfer to a child-care facility or public or private elementary or secondary school in Texas.” Immunization requirements include: measles, diphtheria, mumps, hepatitis B, hepatitis A, polio, tetanus, Meningococcal and varicella, (chicken pox).
Specific requirements, and exceptions, by student grade can be viewed on the school immunizations home page at
Call Van Horn Rural Health Clinic at (432) 283-1020 to schedule your child’s vaccinations. Remember to ask your provider about other vaccinations that may not be required by school, but could also benefit your child.
Taking these precautionary actions will help ensure your child’s long term health as well as the health and safety of fellow students and others in the community.