Tia Juana will cheerfully provide advice for anyone that asks. Just mail your questions to “Ask Tia Juana” at PO Box 8, Van Horn, Texas 79855. All questions will remain anonymous unless there is a chance for extortion. Disclaimer: Tia Juana is not a licensed counselor or therapist and none of the advice should be considered professional.
Dear Tia,
What is your opinion on “double dipping?” I’m talking about people that will dip their chip, eat part of it, then dip it again? And while we’re at it, how about people that will taste a dish with a spoon and put the spoon back in the food?
There is a certain person, who makes it a habit to taste food that is put out every week after our church service. She then puts the spoon back in the food while the rest of the congregation gags. How can we break her of this disgusting habit?
Lost my appetite
Dear Appetite,
Unfortunately, talking to the guilty party about the health issues that may arise from sharing eating utensils will be futile, since she is probably unaware that sharing body fluids is not everybody’s cup of tea. The only solution that I can think of is to not put chips or silverware near the food. If she wants to taste, she is going to have to use her fingers, but don’t be surprised if she does. Good luck!