Tia Juana will cheerfully provide advice for anyone that asks. Just mail your questions to “Ask Tia Juana” at PO Box 8, Van Horn, Texas 79855. All questions will remain anonymous unless there is a chance for extortion. Disclaimer: Tia Juana is not a licensed counselor or therapist and none of the advice should be considered professional.
Dear Tia,
I work with a really nice lady who is driving me crazy! Apparently, she quit smoking years ago and has had a really hard time finding what to do with her hands since she’s been used to holding a cigarette for more than 30 years. As a result, she messes with her ears constantly, turning them inside out, rubbing them, and practically folding them into origami figures! Her cartilage is quickly deteriorating, and I fear that if her behavior continues, she will look like a beagle in a few months. I have a hard time ignoring this quirky habit especially when I have to talk to her about a business matter. I’m at a point where I’m thinking about encouraging her to take up smoking again! Please help…
Dear Earitated,
Most ex-smokers continue to have a psychological addiction to cigarettes which sometimes manifests as other addictive behavior such as you describe. Some chew gum, some suck on candy, and others indulge in other weird habits to occupy their hands which used to hold a cigarette. Your friend should be commended for quitting, but she may not realize that she is annoying you with her ear-itating behavior. You might want to gently bring it to her attention, and possibly getting her a spinner to occupy her hands before buying a cone from your nearest vet. Good luck!