HS football to raise money for a good cause
By Adrian Gilmore
Van Horn High School and Alpine High School will participate in a football scrimmage this evening. The purpose of the scrimmage will be to raise money for the Texas High School Coaches Education Foundation Benevolence Fund.
Created in 2005 by the Texas High School Coaches Association Board of Directors, the Benevolence Fund has allowed the enhancement of aid for both Permanent Injury and Memorial Benefits candidates. The fund permits the association to provide aid in special needs and hardship cases that extend beyond those covered by the current Permanent Injury and Memorial Benefit policies. In six years of existence, this fund has afforded the opportunity to provide over $383,000.00 in financial assistance.
Coach Brock Tyrell, CCAISD Athletic Director, helped organize the event. It has become known as “Our Day to Shine,” with area schools lending a helping hand. The scrimmage will begin at Eagle Field at 7:00 p.m. with an optional donation for admission. The public is invited and encouraged to attend to support not only our local Eagle football team, but to help contribute to the Benevolence Fund.