By Blair Fannin
COLLEGE STATION – A statewide online continuing education unit workshop for private applicator license holders will be held Oct. 25.
The workshop is hosted by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service offices in the counties they serve. Pre-registration is requested to guarantee a spot in the program, according to organizers. Registration is $30.00, and includes lunch.
Registration will start at 7:30 a.m. at each location with the program to follow at 8:00 a.m.
Private applicators license must receive 15 hours of CEUs every five years to renew/recertify their license.
“These hours must be from two hours of laws and regulations, two hours of integrated pest management, and any mix of these and general hours to equal the required 15 hours of CEUs,” said Brent Batchelor, AgriLife Extension regional program leader for the central region in Stephenville, who is coordinating the event with Todd Swift, AgriLife Extension regional program leader in Uvalde.
“Licensed commercial and noncommercial applicators are required to recertify every year by receiving five continuing education credits; with one credit each from two of the following categories: laws and regulations, integrated pest management or drift minimization.”
The workshop will offer eight CEU’s for the private applicator license and certificate holders. The approved credit hours are: four general, one laws and regulation, two integrated pest management hours and one drift hour. Commercial and non-commercial license holders will be able to obtain all their needed hours for license renewal with the first 5 hours of the program.
Topics and speakers will be:
– Laws and regulations update, Mark Matocha, AgriLife Extension specialist, environmental safety, College Station.
– Zika Update: Integrated pest management approach to managing the mosquito vector and disease prevention, Dr. Charles Allen, AgriLife Extension entomologist, San Angelo.
– Livestock Pests, cattle fever tick and other significant external livestock pests, Dr. Sonja Swiger, AgriLife Extension entomologist, Stephenville.
– Stay on Target, minimizing drift in row crop applications and rangeland applications, Dr. Gaylon Morgan, AgriLife Extension cotton specialist, College Station.
– Using Pesticides, Dr. Don Renchie, AgriLife Extension coordinator for pesticide safety.
For more information, contact the AgriLife Extension office in Culberson County at 432-283-8440.