TEMPLE, Texas, (Nov. 9, 2017) –The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and its partners encourage farmers to “keep the stubble” on their harvested cropland fields and improve soil health during a special month long “No-Till November” campaign. No-tillage farming is one of the many ways we can increase our soil health and keep our farms sustainable.
This campaign is mirrored after the cancer awareness “No Shave November” campaign that encourages people not to shave during the entire month. This NRCS campaign encourages farmers to keep the crop stubble on their fields to protect the soil.
“What a creative and effective campaign NRCS across the Nation has developed to encourage producers to “Keep the Stubble,” said Texas State Conservationist Salvador Salinas. “In a state as big as Texas, no-till management systems not only benefit our natural resources and agricultural producers, but all Texans benefit from the resulting healthy soils, improved water quality and wildlife habitat.
No-Tillage farming is a conservation tillage practice used to reduce soil disturbance, increases soil biological activity, armors the soil reducing erosion, and improves soil health in general while reducing the use of machinery and labor.
There are four basic soil health principles 1) Keep the soil covered as much as possible; 2) Do not disturb the soil; 3) Keep plants growing throughout the year to feed soil organisms; and 4) Use plant diversity to increase diversity in the soil.
So, remember this month to – “Keep the Stubble!”
For more information about the No-Till November campaign, visit the Texas NRCS website.