“Cybersecurity of Voting Machines”
WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Representative Will Hurd released the following statement on the signing of the Modernizing Government Technology (MGT) Act within the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), marking the Congressman’s twelfth piece of legislation signed into law:
“Every year, the federal government wastes billions of hard-earned taxpayer dollars maintaining outdated, unreliable and unsecured IT systems – some of which were first designed in the 1960’s. Until now.
“The MGT Act will bring the government’s IT systems into the 21st century and allow agencies to use the money that is saved to modernize other systems, helping create more quality and timely services to the American people. Imagine being able to renew your passport online. How about our military veterans not having to take hard-copies of their health records with them to the doctor? It’s 2017 and these are the types of services that the American people deserve from their government. Today, we’re delivering.
“Thank you to all those on both sides of the political aisle who worked together to get MGT across the finish line.”
House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy said of the MGT Act:
“Our world today delivers goods, services, education, and communications at a rapid pace. Sadly, our government has fallen behind when it comes to serving our citizens, which leaves personal information insecure and erodes the trust between the people and their government. Currently, 80% of the federal government’s $80 billion IT budget goes to managing legacy systems instead of upgrading them to state-of-the-art systems. This is both expensive and a security risk, as old systems are less safe.
“Within the National Defense Authorization Act that President Trump signed today is Representative Will Hurd’s Modernizing Government Technology Act, which establishes an IT modernization fund at executive branch agencies to upgrade their technology systems. Passing this legislation is exactly what the American people expect their representatives to do: see an obvious problem and work together on a practical solution to solve it.”
ICYMI: San Antonio City Council Member Rey Saldaña to GOP Rep Will Hurd: Pass a Dream Act Now
San Antonio, TX – In an op-ed for the San Antonio Express News, San Antonio City Council Member Rey Saldaña calls on Congressman Will Hurd (R-TX), whose district includes part of San Antonio, to support the Dream Act.
Congressman Hurd’s district includes nearly 5,000 immigrant youth who would benefit from the Dream Act. The legislation would allow these Dreamers to further contribute to the country they call home. This includes Dreamers like Reyna, a San Antonio resident whose story Councilman Saldaña highlights in the piece, “Through adversity, Reyna has pulled herself up by her bootstraps and propelled herself toward opportunity. Except on paper, she is no different from those born in the United States. She’s a mother and an entrepreneur with a distinct American story of struggle and success.”
Find excerpts of Saldaña’s piece “Rep. Hurd: Help pass a clean DREAM Act.” below, and in its entirety here.
A fierce fight to protect Dreamers is shaping up in Congress, and the fight for a legislative solution comes down to the next two weeks. Members of Congress, such as Will Hurd, R-San Antonio, who represents the 23rd Congressional District, will have to make a choice: Either pass bipartisan legislation that includes a clean DREAM Act, or vote on a spending bill that funds their deportation.
I know Rep. Hurd has talked a good game on immigration. He’s a member of a Republican working group that is trying to fix our broken immigration system. When it comes to Dreamers and the DREAM Act, he’s said, “There are 800,000 young men and women who have only known America, and they should have legal status to stay here. I think this is something we can get done.”
Rep. Hurd, you’re right. Something can be done, but time is quickly running out. You must join with your Republican colleagues and congressional Democrats to pass a clean DREAM Act.
Nationwide, 122 dreamers are losing their DACA status every day. In Hurd’s district alone, there are 3,000 DACA recipients and 3,700 DACA-eligible young people who face deportation if Congress does not act in time. If these 6,700 young people are deported, his district stands to lose as much as $159 million a year in economic contributions from Dreamers. Statewide, Texas stands to lose $6.2 billion if Congress does nothing. That’s unacceptable.
As a member of the San Antonio City Council, my priority is to serve all of District 4’s constituents and help set the city up for success. I can’t do that if Dreamers and their families are living with the fear of being torn apart by deportation.