Pirate’s short roster gets shorter due to injuries

By Coach Lonnie Flippen, VISD

The Valentine Lady Pirates have experienced a great deal of adversity the past two weeks having lost one player due to a neck injury and then losing yet another player to an ankle injury. I suppose that can be expected when you are trying to play with only six players.

Jessie Garcia was injured last Tuesday at Fort Davis when the girls suffered a hard fought loss, 32-28. Garcia had scored 4 points when when fell and injured her neck which has put her out of play until at least until January. Jaymie Sanchez had 10 points followed by Evan Means’ 7 points. Francis Sanchez added 6 points for the Pirates.

The Lady Pirates travelled to Presidio on Friday, December 1, and played the Lady Blue Devil’s freshmen girls and fell by a score of 22-20. The Pirates were forced to play with 4 girls most of the third quarter and finished the game with three girls on the floor. Presidio continued to play with their five young ladies.

Jaymie Sanchez led all scor ers with her 13 points. Francis Sanchez added 6 points and Evan Means had one point.

The Lady Pirates travelled to Marfa on Tuesday, December 5th, to play the Lady Shorthorns JV team. The Pirates lost another close contest, 25 to 24. Jaymie Sanchez was injured in the game and will be out until January. Once again, Miss Sanchez led all scorers with her 11 points. All five of the Lady Pirates scored in the game with Evan Means and Samantha Kuhlman scoring four points each, Francis Sanchez added three, and Lizett Rey had two points.

The Lady Pirates were scheduled to play in the Wink JV Tournament this weekend but have been forced to withdraw due to injuries. They have also cancelled a game scheduled for next Tuesday with district opponent, Balmorhea. The Pirates will not be on the floor until January when they hope that they have all six girls back in action.     


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