WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Representative Will Hurd released the following statement on the signing of the Modernizing Government Technology (MGT) Act within the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), marking the Congressman’s twelfth piece of legislation signed into law:
“Every year, the federal government wastes billions of hard-earned taxpayer dollars maintaining outdated, unreliable and unsecured IT systems – some of which were first designed in the 1960’s. Until now.
“The MGT Act will bring the government’s IT systems into the 21st century and allow agencies to use the money that is saved to modernize other systems, helping create more quality and timely services to the American people. Imagine being able to renew your passport online. How about our military veterans not having to take hard-copies of their health records with them to the doctor? It’s 2017 and these are the types of services that the American people deserve from their government. Today, we’re delivering.
“Thank you to all those on both sides of the political aisle who worked together to get MGT across the finish line.”
House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy said of the MGT Act:
“Our world today delivers goods, services, education, and communications at a rapid pace. Sadly, our government has fallen behind when it comes to serving our citizens, which leaves personal information insecure and erodes the trust between the people and their government. Currently, 80% of the federal government’s $80 billion IT budget goes to managing legacy systems instead of upgrading them to state-of-the-art systems. This is both expensive and a security risk, as old systems are less safe.
“Within the National Defense Authorization Act that President Trump signed today is Representative Will Hurd’s Modernizing Government Technology Act, which establishes an IT modernization fund at executive branch agencies to upgrade their technology systems. Passing this legislation is exactly what the American people expect their representatives to do: see an obvious problem and work together on a practical solution to solve it.”
Hurd Statement on Iran Protests
SAN ANTONIO, TX – U.S. Rep. Will Hurd who sits on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence released the following statement today regarding protests in Iran:
“The oppressive Iranian regime is of course trying to surppress the fact that protests against their tyrannical reign are popping up across Iran. The Ayatollahs are out of touch with their citizens and are exporting terror abroad. We should support a free and peaceful Iran. We should support the people of Iran who have had enough.”