Dear Editor,
Hello to the Van Horn Texas Chamber of Commerce,
I am writing to say thank you for the goodwill and Texas hospitality of some of your Van Horn residents. I am a Phoenix, AZ area resident and on Friday, September 22, 2017, I was traveling en route to Abilene. About dark, I found myself in need of automobile assistance. With the help of Van Horn Resident Mike Garcia and his generosity of time and kindness, he contacted Napa Auto parts owner/manager Vance Cottrell. Mr. Vance Cottrell went above and beyond with his Napa customer service. Mr. Vance Cottrell opened his store afterhours on Friday evening and sold the needed supplies to get me back on the road. No price gouging or up charging, Mr. Cottrell did offer a bottle of cold water and a wish of safe travels. Mike Garcia assisted with the repairs and helped ease my stress with a smile and talk of growing up in Van Horn. The reason for my note is to let you know of my appreciation for all of your Van Horn residents. As a single woman, traveling alone, the kindness and gentlemanly behavior displayed by these 2 young men is to be admired and respected. Their Generosity continues to inspire me to share this story and extended acts of kindness with others. As Mike Garcia told me, “We are a small town.” I guess that says it all. We need more small towns in our lives. Thank you.
– Maiya Viquhan