Faith- ”Our Christian Commitment Does Not Have Vacation”

By Father Apolinar Samboni

Usually at the end of the month of May the classes are over, the religious formation in the parish ends with celebrations of First Holly Communion and Confirmation. Consequently, many Catholics think of attending the Sunday mass is over too. Many consider that the summer vacation is time to sleep late on Sundays or stay all day in pajamas and nothing else. Therefore, our commitment to encounter God does not have a vacation.

Our commitment to God is not seasonal or by someone requires you be there. You freely respond to the call that God makes to you every moment of your life. If you respond freely to that call you do not feel lazy, you do not find it boring to participate in the parish, nor do you feel tired to get up early on Sundays. You neither make excuses such as “I do not want to meet Jesus today at church” “I do not like it” “It is boring” and ” I’m extremely tired”. On the contrary, you go because you feel blessed, called to a mission and loved by God.

Don’t wait till the storm of your life is over to respond to God’s call. On the contrary, you decide to go through the storm no matter what. You are sure that the God’s mercy and providence will go with you. When you respond to that mission that God offers you, you do not make excuses. You are ready to practice what you preach. That is, you are able to preach the gospel with your example of life.

Maybe it has happened to you that in your family, particularly, your children, grandchildren, nephews, do not listen to the good things that you try to teach them. Sometimes you feel frustrated. It seems that kids and teenagers do not listen to you, but they watch carefully what you do every day. That is the importance of you being the example for them. They expect you to be an example for them.

Possibly here we are failing because we say beautiful things, but we do bad things. Many parents, moms or guardians of minors, take their sons and daughters to Sunday Mass but they do not enter. The adults return to pick up the boys when the Sunday Mass is over. Adults demand that boys attend mass, but adults do not.

It can also happen that adults attend Sunday Mass but do not participate, do not get involved in anything, and the worst when they return home are the usual bad mimes. Children want to see adult testimony more than great speeches. The youngsters expect their parents’ love every day. Kinds and adolescents want their family members inspire them to have a personal encounter with God.

I invite you to rekindle your commitment to get involved in the church, to attend Sunday Mass during the summer. Try to experience the God’s love as the psalmist stays: “Tate and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the stalwart one who takes refuge in him.” (Psalm 34:9) And Jesus himself stays: “Watch and pray that you may not undergo the test. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” (Mt. 26:41)


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