By Pastor Donald Parker
We are right in the middle of summer; the kids are out of school while parents search for activities for them to be involved in. Signs go up at area churches all across America, promoting Vacation Bible School (VBS), but why? What is the purpose of VBS and why should you send your child? These are two very good questions.
According to an article published by LifeWay Research, “VBS remains one of the most popular church programs in America.” The research also concluded that, six out of ten Americans said they attended VBS growing up. The research also showed that two-thirds of parents today, say they plan on send their children to VBS, even if they don’t regularly attend church themselves.
Another interesting statistic is that 88 percent of parents who attended VBS as a child said that VBS helped them better understand the Bible. In this recent survey we find that 95 percent of parents who have sent their child/children to VBS, the child had a positive experience that left them with their most meaningful church experience.
VBS programs are centered on a theme designed to creatively adapt to God’s Word. Each day the children are filled with activities such as crafts, recreation, music, skits and of course Bible stories. The music is high energy to engage children in their worship time and leaves them singing VBS songs all the way home. VBS is an amazing free weeklong event focused on helping children better understand God’s Word and how much He loves them.
There are many benefits to VBS; let me give you four in particular. The first benefit is the Biblical lessons and life application taught age appropriately. Children are taught how to live their lives in a way that lines up with God’s Word. Proverbs 22:6 says, “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”
Another benefit to VBS is your child making new friends. VBS teaches children how to work and play together; whether it’s building something together in crafts, or playing a game together. In many cases, the children that attend year after year together at VBS will attend youth camp later as teenagers. Their relationships grow and they are true friends for a lifetime. Proverbs 17:17 says, “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a difficult time.” And Proverbs 27:17, “Iron sharpens iron, and one person sharpens another.”
A third benefit is the music. The songs children learn at VBS get stuck in their heads and hidden in their hearts. I can still remember songs I sang at VBS decades ago. Singing songs at VBS teaches the child to be joyful and thankful for a God who loves them. Psalm 103:2 says, “Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things He does for me.”
The fourth and most important benefit is a changed heart. VBS teaches children that God loves them and wants to be Lord of their life. To be a Christian has nothing to do with what church you attend. To be a Christian is to put your trust and faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and when a person gives their life to Christ, their heart is forever changed.
I hope that you now have a better understanding of what VBS is about and the importance of sending your child/children to VBS. Let me take this opportunity to invite your children to attend First Baptist Church Van Horn for our VBS that runs from Monday through Friday July 16 -July 20 from 6-9pm. Our theme is “Shipwrecked” and I’m sure your child is going to love it. Register your child today on-line at