Faith— 03/02/2023

“Conversion of Faith”

Father Frank Hernandez

Many of us have begun the season of Lent, a time for us to reflect on the passion and death of Jesus and we are reminded of the plan of salvation from the Lord. That Jesus had to suffer on the cross for us to receive our salvation. To correct the original sin of Adam and Eve, so that we can be reunited with the Lord and the gates of heaven can be opened again to us.

These 40 days are sacred to us because we are called to evaluate our lives and see how we have failed the Lord, others and even ourselves. This is a season of conversion in the church and some do have a conversion and try to be better. For some of us, this is just another time on the calendar and in the church, but Lent is different every year. We are not the same people we were last year; life has changed for us.

This year and Lenten season we are a year older, our families may have grown or decreased due to a death in the family. We may have a new job or a new home or have moved to a new town for school or work. We may have been diagnosed with a new disease or one we had has developed in a good or bad way. Our faith changes also, we may have grown spiritual this last year. Also, the world around us has changed and is different. Covid is still among us, a war is still going on and we are divided in our lives. Through all of these struggles, the Lord wants us to improve our lives and relationship with Him. We need to be thankful for the life and health that we have and see how we can improve that relationship with the Lord and others. This is the only season in the life of the church that we are called to evaluate our lives and change for the better. Too improve our personal relationship with the Lord, but also the relationship with family, friends and others.

May this time be a season of true conversion for us, to leave sin and temptation behind and letting the love and light of Christ shine from us always. I hope this season help us to improve our relationship with God, Jesus and our neighbor and not let the world change our faith and who we are as a person. We need to trust in God our Father and know that He wants a better life for us, but we need to change for the better. Happy Season of Lent.


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