The HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME Program) is funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Authorized under the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act, the purpose of the program is to expand the supply of decent, safe, affordable housing and strengthen public-private housing partnerships between Units of General Local Governments, Public Housing Authorities, nonprofits, and for profit entities.
The TDHCA HOME Division is responsible for administering the HOME Program on behalf of the state of Texas. Entities approved to administer the HOME Program from TDHCA may use funds for eligible activities such as Homeowner Rehabilitation, Homebuyer Assistance, Contract for Deed Conversion, Tenant-Based Rental Assistance, Single Family Development, and Multifamily Development. TDHCA has set aside funding for Disaster Relief and Persons with Disabilities, among other set-asides.
The TDHCA HOME Division contracts with Units of General Local Government, Public Housing Authorities, and nonprofit and for profit entities that provide affordable housing to low-income families in their local communities.
By state law, 95% of HOME funds must be distributed to communities, typically rural, that do not receive HOME funds from HUD. Additionally, 5% of HOME funds must serve persons with disabilities and is available statewide.
The Homeowner Rehabilitation Assistance (HRA) program funds Units of General Local Governments, Public Housing Authorities, and nonprofits to provide the following services under the Homeowner Rehabilitation Assistance initiative:
* Rehabilitation or reconstruction of owner-occupied housing on the same site;
* New Construction of site-built housing on the same site to replace an existing owner occupied Manufactured Housing Unit (MHU);
* Replacement and relocation of existing housing located in a floodplain to a new MHU or New Construction of housing on an alternative site;
* New Construction or a new MHU to replace a housing unit that has become uninhabitable as a result of disaster or condemnation by local government; and
* If allowable under the Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA), refinance of existing mortgages meeting federal requirements.
In the case of the home built for Gloria Moore, builder Jerry Reiner, president of Ameriway Construction, ran into some issues with Ms. Moore’s eligibility.
He told the Advocate that at one point, it was unsure what would become of Ms. Moore’s old home because she had already removed most of her belongings.
“We thought she would be homeless,†said Mr. Reiner, “and I wasn’t going to allow that to happen.â€
Because of his long history of building homes in Van Horn (more than 20 years), Mr. Reiner decided he would construct Ms. Moore’s home at his expense.
Ms. Moore is thrilled to have her new, cozy home, and Mr. Reiner said he feels comforted by knowing that he did the right thing.
“I’ve gotten to know the people of Van Horn well, and they’ve been good to me. I’m glad I could help,†said Mr. Reiner.