To build up or tear down?
The answer to this question determines the success or failure of individual lives, organizations and nations. It is an attitude that leads to action, whether positive or negative. For the Christian, we are given very clear instructions on how to behave. I would like to share a snippet of a sermon I recently read:
“Proverbs 18:21 says that the tongue has the power of life and death. James 3:4-12 says that the tongue is like a fire that cannot be controlled or contained – that we use it to bless God and then to curse men who are made in God’s image. It should not be this way. Through our words, we can either build up and help create a positive reality for a person that reflects God’s truth about who He is and who they are – or, we can tear down and create a negative reality built on lies and condemnation…What kind of world are you creating through your words? How are you building others up or tearing them down? Are you spreading blessing or curses to others? May the words of your mouth and the meditations of your heart be acceptable to God (Psalm 19:14).â€
May those who serve as teachers and coaches continue to build up our children and may we offer the same to them. Let us build up each other with appreciation and encouragement. When disagreements arise, let us handle them with respect. To tear down others is to tear down all. “A house divided against itself cannot stand†– Jesus, Abraham Lincoln.